Study on improving floatation tailings of a gold mineral recovery based on process mineralogy analysis
中文关键词: 工艺矿物学  金尾矿  浮选  重选
英文关键词: process mineralogy  tailing of gold mine  flotation  gravimetric concentration
吉强 山东黄金矿业科技有限公司选冶实验室分公司山东 莱州 261441
山东黄金矿业科技有限公司济南 250000 
李光胜 山东黄金矿业科技有限公司选冶实验室分公司山东 莱州 261441
山东黄金矿业科技有限公司济南 250000 
朱幸福 山东黄金矿业科技有限公司选冶实验室分公司山东 莱州 261441
山东黄金矿业科技有限公司济南 250000 
高腾跃 山东黄金矿业科技有限公司选冶实验室分公司山东 莱州 261441
山东黄金矿业科技有限公司济南 250000 
摘要点击次数: 482
全文下载次数: 316
      某金矿浮选尾矿金品位偏高,具有回收价值,对该样品开展了工艺矿物分析和选矿试验研究。工艺矿物学分析表明,尾矿中金矿物主要以三种形态存在,分别为难解离金矿物、易解离金矿物、单体易回收金矿物,后两种金矿物回收较为容易。试验结果表明,将其磨矿细度(-200目含量)提高到60%,浮选时间延长7 min,尾矿金品位降低至0.18 g/t,通过将磨矿细度(-200目含量)提高到80%,尼尔森重选也可将尾矿金品位降低到0.17 g/t,为现场制定改造方案提供技术支持。
      The flotation tailings of a gold mine have a high grade and recovery value. The process mineral analysis and test research were carried out in order to provide guidance for proposing a better recovery scheme. Process mineralical analysis shows that the gold mineral in tailings mainly exists in three forms, namely, refractory dissociable mineral, easily dissociable mineral and monomer mineral. The latter two forms are relatively easy to be recovered. The dressing test of grinding fineness and flotation time for the tailings sample shows that by increasing the grinding fineness (-200-mesh content) to 60% and extending the flotation time by 7 min, the tailings grade can be reduced to 0.18g/t. Increasing the grinding fineness (-200-mesh content) to 80% and using Nielsen method can also reduce the tailings grade to 0.17 g/t. This study will provide the technical support for the renovation plan of the production line.
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