- Chinese core journals
- Source journal for Chinese scientific and technical papers and citations
- Administrated by:Sino-Precious Metals Holding Co., Ltd.
- Sponsored by:Kunming Institute of Precious Metals; The Nonferrous Metals Society of China
- Editor-in-chief:ZHU Shaowu
- Publication No.:1004-0676
- Periodicity: Quarterly, started in 1980
- Edited and published by Editorial Office of Precious Metals, started in 1980
- Address: 988# Keji Road, H&N Tech. Industry Develop Zone, Kunming 650221, Yunnan, China
- Tel/Fax:86-871-68328632
- http://www.j-preciousmetals.com/gjsen/ch/index.aspx
- E-mail:bjba@ipm.com.cn