A study on the preparation of silver nanowires in aqueous solution
中文关键词: 纳米银线  水溶液体系  制备  低成本
英文关键词: silver nanowires  aqueous solution system  preparation  low-cost
基金项目:陕西省科协企业创新争先青年人才托举计划项目(2021-1-2);西安市博士后创新基地科研项目资助;陕西省创新能力支撑计划资助(2022KJXX-81); 陕西省自然科学基金基础研究项目(2022JM-236);陕西省重点研发计划(2023-YBGY-170)。
徐秀凤 西安理工大学 印刷包装与数字媒体学院西安 710054
西北有色金属研究院西安 710016 
刘健 西安理工大学 印刷包装与数字媒体学院西安 710054 
郑晶 西北有色金属研究院西安 710016 
戎万 西北有色金属研究院西安 710016 
李美馨 西安理工大学 印刷包装与数字媒体学院西安 710054
西北有色金属研究院西安 710016 
党蕊 西北有色金属研究院西安 710016 
摘要点击次数: 751
全文下载次数: 328
      在水溶液体系中,以蔗糖为还原剂、NaCl为前驱体络合剂、PVP为表面活性剂,通过水热反应制备得到了直径大约为40 nm,线径分布均匀、分散性良好的纳米银线。有效解决了目前多元醇有机体系下制备纳米银线洗涤困难,反应条件苛刻,后处理繁琐等问题。系统研究了还原剂用量、还原剂种类、Cl-/Ag+摩尔比、卤化物种类和表面活性剂种类对于产物形貌的影响。结果表明,当还原剂蔗糖的用量为0.18 g,PVP的相对分子质量为58000,选择NaCl作为络合剂,且Cl-/Ag+摩尔比控制在1.26时,制备的纳米银线形貌均一,纯度较高,纳米线长径比大于1000。
      Silver nanowires with a diameter of about 40 nm and having both uniform diameter distribution and good dispersion, were prepared via the hydrothermal reaction in aqueous solution by using sucrose as reducing agent, NaCl as complexing agent and PVP as surfactant. The problems resulting from the preparation of nano-silver wire in the polyol organic system, such as the difficulty in washing, harsh reaction conditions and complicated post-treatment, can effectively be solved by the preparative mehod developed in the study. The effects of the amount of reducing agent, the type of reducing agent and halide and surfactant, and the molar ratio of Cl-/Ag+, on the morphology of the product were investigated systematically. The results show that silver nanowires will have a uniform morphology with high purity and the ratio of the length to diameter of the nanowires can exceed 1000, when NaCl is selected as the complexing agent and the amount of sucrose, the relative molecular weight of PVP and the molar ratio of Cl-/Ag+ are set at 0.18g, 58000 and 1.26, respectively.
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