Experimental study on the mineral processing of a high Ag-Pb-Cu mixed concentrate
中文关键词:   脱药  方铅矿  黄铜矿  环保
英文关键词: silver  drug removal  galena  chalcopyrite  environmental protection
基金项目:云南省基础研究和应用基础研究重大项目(202302AO370002);云南贵金属实验室有限公司开放课题(YPML- 2023050277);广东省科学院高端领军人才培育培养资助专项项目(2017GDASCX-0301)
林辉 江西荡坪钨业有限公司江西 大余 341500 
邹坚坚 广东省科学院资源利用与稀土开发研究所稀有金属分离与综合利用国家重点实验室广东省矿产资源开发与综合利用重点实验室广州 510650 
王成行 广东省科学院资源利用与稀土开发研究所稀有金属分离与综合利用国家重点实验室广东省矿产资源开发与综合利用重点实验室广州 510650 
汪志平 江西荡坪钨业有限公司江西 大余 341500 
李强 广东省科学院资源利用与稀土开发研究所稀有金属分离与综合利用国家重点实验室广东省矿产资源开发与综合利用重点实验室广州 510650 
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      某高银铅铜混合精矿为铜铅混浮产品,表面受到浮选药剂严重污染,导致铜矿物与铅矿物可浮性差异微小,给铜铅分离带来非常不利的影响,其银品位达到4208.0 g/t,铅品位43.28%,铜品位3.39%,98.80%的银赋存于方铅矿。采用“活性炭脱药-抑铅浮铜”工艺流程处理,环保高效的方铅矿抑制剂GYC,高效铜捕收剂SAC,全流程试验获得银品位4839.2 g/t,银回收率97.36%,铅品位50.05%,铅回收率97.90%的银铅精矿;铜品位20.16%,铜回收率91.23%,银品位724.6 g/t,银回收率2.64%的铜精矿,实现了混合精矿中银铅与铜的高效回收。
      Ag-Pb-Cu mixed concentrate is a product of copper and lead floating and contains a silver grade of 4208.0 g/t, along with 3.3% of copper and 43.28% of lead. And 98.80% of silver is deposited in galena. The surface of the concentrate has been heavily contaminated with the flotation reagents, leading to a little difference in the floatability between galena and chalcopyrite. Consequently, separating chalcopyrite from galena is very difficult. In this experimental study, a combined process of removing the flotation reagents by activated carbon and flotating copper by the suppression of lead was adopted to treat the concentrate. By using a high-efficiency galena inhibitor (GYC) and chalcopyrite collector (SAC), an effective recovery of silver, lead and copper from the mixed concentrates was achieved. After the treatment of the mixed concentrate, the silver grade in obtained silver-lead concentrate was 4839.2 g/t with a recovery rate of 97.36% and the grade of lead was 50.05% with a recovery rate is 97.90%. In obtained copper concentrate, the silver grade was 724.6 g/t with a recovery rate of 2.64% and the copper grade was 20.16% with a recovery rate of 91.23%.
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