Comparison of Pt Catchment between Two Pd Alloy in Nitric Acid Catalyst Gauze
Received:April 18, 2016  
中文关键词: 金属材料  PdNi合金网  双功效铂催化剂(DEC)功能网  捕集铂
英文关键词: metal materials  PdNi alloy gauze  double-effect platinum catalysts (DEC) functional gauze  catchment of platinum
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
HAN Fei China National Offshore Oil Taiyuan Precious Metals Co. Ltd., Taiyuan 030006, Shanxi, China hanfeiok23@163.com 
LIU Xin China National Offshore Oil Taiyuan Precious Metals Co. Ltd., Taiyuan 030006, Shanxi, China  
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      Pd alloy can capture Pt in the ammoxidation reaction. The efficiency of capturing Pt by PdNi alloy gauze and double-effect platinum gauze (DEC) was compared in a nitric acid plant and the capturing mechanism was analyzed. The results show that Pt consumption of the DEC gauze is 26% lower than that of the PdNi alloy gauze. Maintaining stable operation of the plant system, improving ammonia air purification and timely replacing the catalyst will lower the platinum consumption.
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